ProStructures Help

Redraw Rebar

Used to redraw a bar. This tool can be selected after the bar is placed or modified only.

The tool is used when just one bar must be updated, while the (Redraw Detail) tool redraws bars on a global basis, inside or outside a Fence. Any active bar on an existing drawing can be redrawn. The option works by first deleting the elements associated with the current bar. Information stored in the database for the bar is then used to replay the original placement procedure - repeating the exact same steps you used when the bar was first created, i.e. indication of faces, cropping bar ends, selecting cover and attributes, placing labels, etc..

When a bar is first created, it is saved to the DGN file as individual line, arc, circle and text elements, along with a single complex Cell containing all elements required for the main bar centerline. When the Redraw Bar tool is selected, you are asked to indicate the bar to be redrawn. Simply select any one of the elements that were saved with the bar. You are not limited to just the main bar centerline. It is often more convenient to select some part of the bar label extending from the main bar centerline. When you make your selection, 2D Rebar highlights all elements associated with the chosen bar. If the wrong bar is chosen, select Reset and try again.

Otherwise, a datapoint confirms the selection and the selected bar is removed from the DGN file. The updated bar is immediately recreated. If concrete faces adjacent to the bar are moved to a new location prior to the update, the new bar is replayed at the appropriate adjusted location.

Note: Because a bar consists of many simpler elements, it is possible (and often necessary) to make minor changes to bar elements that cannot be made during the bar placement process. This manual editing is usually performed using normal modification tools. For example, you may require a slight adjustment on one or two longitudinal bar circles in order to move them away from an imbedded bolt perhaps. The circle elements are selected with the Select tool, then moved using visual adjustments as necessary. Regardless of the type of change, this manual editing goes unnoticed by the program. Consequently when bars are replayed using Redraw Detail, all manual editing is lost. Each bar is recreated using only those procedures established within the Bar Placement and Bar Modification toolboxes. You must remember to redo all manual edits performed prior to a replay.